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W3CDomHandler - Class in jakarta.xml.bind.annotation
DomHandler implementation for W3C DOM (org.w3c.dom package.)
W3CDomHandler() - Constructor for class jakarta.xml.bind.annotation.W3CDomHandler
Default constructor.
W3CDomHandler(DocumentBuilder) - Constructor for class jakarta.xml.bind.annotation.W3CDomHandler
Constructor that allows applications to specify which DOM implementation to be used.
W3CEndpointReference - Class in
This class represents a W3C Addressing EndpointReferece which is a remote reference to a web service endpoint that supports the W3C WS-Addressing 1.0 - Core Recommendation.
W3CEndpointReference(Source) - Constructor for class
Creates an EPR from infoset representation
W3CEndpointReferenceBuilder - Class in
This class is used to build W3CEndpointReference instances.
W3CEndpointReferenceBuilder() - Constructor for class
Creates a new W3CEndpointReferenceBuilder instance.
W3C XML Schema "lax" wildcard emulation - Search tag in annotation interface jakarta.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAnyElement
waitForDebugger() - Static method in class com.sun.faces.util.DebugUtil
WAP - Enum constant in enum class
The Authorization Server should display authentication and consent UI consistent with a "feature phone" type display.
warn(String) - Method in interface
Add a generic warning that is not related to any particular element, or that information is not known.
warn(String, BeanInfo) - Method in interface
Add a warning which is related to given BeanInfo.
warn(String, ObserverInfo) - Method in interface
Add a warning which is related to given ObserverInfo.
warn(String, AnnotationTarget) - Method in interface
Add a warning which is related to given AnnotationTarget (which is most likely a DeclarationInfo).
warnClass - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlMessage.PropertyKeys
warnClass - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlMessages.PropertyKeys
WARNING - Static variable in interface jakarta.xml.bind.ValidationEvent
Conditions that are not errors or fatal errors as defined by the XML 1.0 recommendation
warnStyle - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlMessage.PropertyKeys
warnStyle - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlMessages.PropertyKeys
wasCancelCalled() - Method in interface jakarta.ejb.SessionContext
Check whether a client invoked the cancel method on the client Future object corresponding to the currently executing asynchronous business method.
WEB_INF_MARKER - Static variable in class com.sun.faces.config.manager.tasks.ParseConfigResourceToDOMTask
Name of the attribute added by ParseTask to indicate a Document instance as a representation of /WEB-INF/faces-config.xml.
WEBAPP_CONTRACTS_DIRECTORY_PARAM_NAME - Static variable in class jakarta.faces.application.ResourceHandler
If a <context-param> with the param name equal to the value of ResourceHandler.WEBAPP_CONTRACTS_DIRECTORY_PARAM_NAME exists, the runtime must interpret its value as a path, relative to the web app root, where resource library contracts are to be located.
WEBAPP_RESOURCES_DIRECTORY_PARAM_NAME - Static variable in class jakarta.faces.application.ResourceHandler
If a <context-param> with the param name equal to the value of ResourceHandler.WEBAPP_RESOURCES_DIRECTORY_PARAM_NAME exists, the runtime must interpret its value as a path, relative to the web app root, where resources are to be located.
WebAppContractsDirectory - Enum constant in enum class com.sun.faces.config.WebConfiguration.WebContextInitParameter
WebAppFlowConfigResourceProvider - Class in com.sun.faces.config.configprovider
WebAppFlowConfigResourceProvider() - Constructor for class com.sun.faces.config.configprovider.WebAppFlowConfigResourceProvider
WebApplicationException - Exception Class in
Runtime exception for applications.
WebApplicationException() - Constructor for exception class
Construct a new instance with a default HTTP status code of 500 and a default message generated from the HTTP status code and the associated HTTP status reason phrase.
WebApplicationException(int) - Constructor for exception class
Construct a new instance with the supplied HTTP status code and a default message generated from the HTTP status code and the associated HTTP status reason phrase.
WebApplicationException(Response) - Constructor for exception class
Construct a new instance using the supplied response and a default message generated from the response's HTTP status code and the associated HTTP status reason phrase.
WebApplicationException(Response.Status) - Constructor for exception class
Construct a new instance with the supplied HTTP status and a default message generated from the HTTP status code and the associated HTTP status reason phrase.
WebApplicationException(String) - Constructor for exception class
Construct a new instance with the supplied message and a default HTTP status code of 500.
WebApplicationException(String, int) - Constructor for exception class
Construct a new instance with a supplied message and HTTP status code.
WebApplicationException(String, Response) - Constructor for exception class
Construct a new instance using the supplied message and response.
WebApplicationException(String, Response.Status) - Constructor for exception class
Construct a new instance with the supplied message and HTTP status.
WebApplicationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class
Construct a new instance with the supplied message, root cause and default HTTP status code of 500.
WebApplicationException(String, Throwable, int) - Constructor for exception class
Construct a new instance with the supplied message, root cause and HTTP status code.
WebApplicationException(String, Throwable, Response) - Constructor for exception class
Construct a new instance with the supplied message, root cause and response.
WebApplicationException(String, Throwable, Response.Status) - Constructor for exception class
Construct a new instance with a the supplied message, root cause and HTTP status code.
WebApplicationException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class
Construct a new instance with the supplied root cause, default HTTP status code of 500 and a default message generated from the HTTP status code and the associated HTTP status reason phrase.
WebApplicationException(Throwable, int) - Constructor for exception class
Construct a new instance with the supplied root cause, HTTP status code and a default message generated from the HTTP status code and the associated HTTP status reason phrase.
WebApplicationException(Throwable, Response) - Constructor for exception class
Construct a new instance with the supplied root cause, response and a default message generated from the response's HTTP status code and the associated HTTP status reason phrase.
WebApplicationException(Throwable, Response.Status) - Constructor for exception class
Construct a new instance with the supplied root cause, HTTP status code and a default message generated from the HTTP status code and the associated HTTP status reason phrase.
WebappLifecycleListener - Class in com.sun.faces.application
Central location for web application lifecycle events.
WebappLifecycleListener() - Constructor for class com.sun.faces.application.WebappLifecycleListener
WebappLifecycleListener(ServletContext) - Constructor for class com.sun.faces.application.WebappLifecycleListener
webAppListener - Variable in class com.sun.faces.config.ConfigureListener
WebappResourceHelper - Class in com.sun.faces.application.resource
A ResourceHelper implementation for finding/serving resources found within <contextroot>/resources directory of a web application.
WebappResourceHelper() - Constructor for class com.sun.faces.application.resource.WebappResourceHelper
WebAppResourcesDirectory - Enum constant in enum class com.sun.faces.config.WebConfiguration.WebContextInitParameter
webConfig - Variable in class com.sun.faces.application.view.ViewHandlingStrategy
webConfig - Variable in class com.sun.faces.config.ConfigureListener
webConfig - Variable in class com.sun.faces.renderkit.StateHelper
Access to the context init parameters that configure this application.
WebConfiguration - Class in com.sun.faces.config
Class Documentation
WebConfiguration.BooleanWebContextInitParameter - Enum Class in com.sun.faces.config
An enum of all boolean context initalization parameters recognized by the implementation.
WebConfiguration.DisableUnicodeEscaping - Enum Class in com.sun.faces.config
An enum of all possible values for the disableUnicodeEscaping configuration parameter.
WebConfiguration.WebContextInitParameter - Enum Class in com.sun.faces.config
An enum of all non-boolean context initalization parameters recognized by the implementation.
WebConfiguration.WebEnvironmentEntry - Enum Class in com.sun.faces.config
An enum of all environment entries (specified in the web.xml) recognized by the implemenetation.
WebConnection - Interface in jakarta.servlet.http
This interface encapsulates the connection for an upgrade request.
WebContainerInjectionProvider - Class in com.sun.faces.vendor
This InjectionProvider will be used if the PostConstruct and PreDestroy annotations are present, but no specific InjectionProvider has been configured.
WebContainerInjectionProvider() - Constructor for class com.sun.faces.vendor.WebContainerInjectionProvider
WebEndpoint - Annotation Interface in
Used to annotate the getPortName() methods of a generated service interface.
WebFaceletTaglibResourceProvider - Class in com.sun.faces.config.configprovider
WebFaceletTaglibResourceProvider() - Constructor for class com.sun.faces.config.configprovider.WebFaceletTaglibResourceProvider
WebFacesConfigResourceProvider - Class in com.sun.faces.config.configprovider
WebFacesConfigResourceProvider() - Constructor for class com.sun.faces.config.configprovider.WebFacesConfigResourceProvider
WebFault - Annotation Interface in
Used to annotate service specific exception classes to customize to the local and namespace name of the fault element and the name of the fault bean.
WebFilter - Annotation Interface in jakarta.servlet.annotation
Annotation used to declare a servlet filter.
WebInitParam - Annotation Interface in jakarta.servlet.annotation
This annotation is used on a Servlet or Filter implementation class to specify an initialization parameter.
WebListener - Annotation Interface in jakarta.servlet.annotation
This annotation is used to declare a WebListener.
WebMethod - Annotation Interface in jakarta.jws
Customizes a method that is exposed as a Web Service operation.
WebParam - Annotation Interface in jakarta.jws
Customizes the mapping of an individual parameter to a Web Service message part and XML element.
WebParam.Mode - Enum Class in jakarta.jws
The direction in which the parameter flows
WebPrintWriter - Class in com.sun.faces.application
A simple PrintWriter implementation to allow us to query whether or not the writer has been flushed or closed.
WebPrintWriter(Writer) - Constructor for class com.sun.faces.application.WebPrintWriter
WebResourcePermission - Class in
Class for Jakarta Servlet web resource permissions.
WebResourcePermission(HttpServletRequest) - Constructor for class
Creates a new WebResourcePermission from the HttpServletRequest object.
WebResourcePermission(String, String) - Constructor for class
Creates a new WebResourcePermission with the specified name and actions.
WebResourcePermission(String, String[]) - Constructor for class
Creates a new WebResourcePermission with name corresponding to the URLPatternSpec, and actions composed from the array of HTTP methods.
WebResult - Annotation Interface in jakarta.jws
Customizes the mapping of the return value to a WSDL part and XML element.
WebRoleRefPermission - Class in
Class for Jakarta Servlet isUserInRole (String reference) permissions.
WebRoleRefPermission(String, String) - Constructor for class
Creates a new WebRoleRefPermission with the specified name and actions.
WebService - Annotation Interface in jakarta.jws
Marks a Java class as implementing a Web Service, or a Java interface as defining a Web Service interface.
WebServiceClient - Annotation Interface in
Used to annotate a generated service interface.
WebServiceContext - Interface in
A WebServiceContext makes it possible for a web service endpoint implementation class to access message context and security information relative to a request being served.
WebServiceException - Exception Class in
The WebServiceException class is the base exception class for all Jakarta XML Web Services API runtime exceptions.
WebServiceException() - Constructor for exception class
Constructs a new exception with null as its detail message.
WebServiceException(String) - Constructor for exception class
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message.
WebServiceException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message and cause.
WebServiceException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class
Constructs a new WebServiceException with the specified cause and a detail message of (cause==null ? null : cause.toString()) (which typically contains the class and detail message of cause).
WebServiceFeature - Class in
A WebServiceFeature is used to represent a feature that can be enabled or disabled for a web service.
WebServiceFeature() - Constructor for class
Default constructor.
WebServiceFeatureAnnotation - Annotation Interface in
Annotation used to identify other annotations as a WebServiceFeature.
WebServicePermission - Class in
This class defines web service permissions.
WebServicePermission(String) - Constructor for class
Creates a new permission with the specified name.
WebServicePermission(String, String) - Constructor for class
Creates a new permission with the specified name and actions.
WebServiceProvider - Annotation Interface in
Used to annotate a Provider implementation class.
WebServiceRef - Annotation Interface in
The WebServiceRef annotation is used to define a reference to a web service and (optionally) an injection target for it.
WebServiceRefs - Annotation Interface in
The WebServiceRefs annotation allows multiple web service references to be declared at the class level.
WebServlet - Annotation Interface in jakarta.servlet.annotation
Annotation used to declare a servlet.
WEBSITE - Static variable in interface
WEBSOCKET_ENDPOINT_PORT_PARAM_NAME - Static variable in interface jakarta.faces.push.PushContext
The integer context parameter name to specify the websocket endpoint port when it's different from HTTP port.
WebsocketChannelManager - Class in com.sun.faces.push
This web socket channel manager holds all application and session scoped web socket channel identifiers registered by <f:websocket>.
WebsocketChannelManager() - Constructor for class com.sun.faces.push.WebsocketChannelManager
WebsocketChannelManager.ViewScope - Class in com.sun.faces.push
This helps the web socket channel manager to hold view scoped web socket channel identifiers registered by <f:websocket>.
WebSocketContainer - Interface in jakarta.websocket
A WebSocketContainer is an implementation provided object that provides applications a view on the container running it.
WebsocketEndpoint - Class in com.sun.faces.push
This web socket server endpoint handles web socket requests coming from <f:websocket>.
WebsocketEndpoint() - Constructor for class com.sun.faces.push.WebsocketEndpoint
WebsocketEndpointPort - Enum constant in enum class com.sun.faces.context.ContextParam
The websocket endpoint port (default 0 means the code will take the port from the request)
WebsocketEvent - Class in jakarta.faces.event
This web socket event will be fired when a new <f:websocket> has been @WebsocketEvent.Opened or @WebsocketEvent.Closed.
WebsocketEvent(String, Serializable, CloseReason.CloseCode) - Constructor for class jakarta.faces.event.WebsocketEvent
WebsocketEvent.Closed - Annotation Interface in jakarta.faces.event
Indicates that a <f:websocket> has closed.
WebsocketEvent.Closed.Literal - Class in jakarta.faces.event
Supports inline instantiation of the WebsocketEvent.Closed qualifier.
WebsocketEvent.Opened - Annotation Interface in jakarta.faces.event
Indicates that a <f:websocket> has opened.
WebsocketEvent.Opened.Literal - Class in jakarta.faces.event
Supports inline instantiation of the WebsocketEvent.Opened qualifier.
WebsocketFacesListener - Class in com.sun.faces.push
This Faces listener for UIViewRoot ensures that the necessary JavaScript code to open or close the WebSocket is properly rendered depending on rendered and connected attributes.
WebsocketFacesListener() - Constructor for class com.sun.faces.push.WebsocketFacesListener
WebsocketPushContext - Class in com.sun.faces.push
This is a concrete implementation of PushContext interface which is to be injected by @Push.
WebsocketPushContext(String, WebsocketSessionManager, WebsocketUserManager) - Constructor for class com.sun.faces.push.WebsocketPushContext
Creates a socket push context whereby the mutable map of session and view scope channel identifiers is referenced, so it's still available when another thread invokes WebsocketPushContext.send(Object) during which the session and view scope is not necessarily active anymore.
WebsocketPushContextProducer - Class in com.sun.faces.cdi
This producer prepares the WebsocketPushContext instance for injection by @Push.
WebsocketPushContextProducer() - Constructor for class com.sun.faces.cdi.WebsocketPushContextProducer
WebsocketRenderer - Class in com.sun.faces.renderkit.html_basic
WebsocketRenderer is a class that renders the faces.push.init() script and decodes any client behaviors triggered by UIWebsocket.
WebsocketRenderer() - Constructor for class com.sun.faces.renderkit.html_basic.WebsocketRenderer
WebsocketSessionManager - Class in com.sun.faces.push
This web socket session manager holds all web socket sessions by their channel identifier.
WebsocketSessionManager() - Constructor for class com.sun.faces.push.WebsocketSessionManager
WebsocketUserManager - Class in com.sun.faces.push
This web socket user manager holds all web socket users registered by <f:websocket>.
WebsocketUserManager() - Constructor for class com.sun.faces.push.WebsocketUserManager
WebTarget - Interface in
A resource target identified by the resource URI.
WebUserDataPermission - Class in
Class for Jakarta Servlet Web user data permissions.
WebUserDataPermission(HttpServletRequest) - Constructor for class
Creates a new WebUserDataPermission from the HttpServletRequest object.
WebUserDataPermission(String, String) - Constructor for class
Creates a new WebUserDataPermission with the specified name and actions.
WebUserDataPermission(String, String[], String) - Constructor for class
Creates a new WebUserDataPermission with name corresponding to the URLPatternSpec, and actions composed from the array of HTTP methods and the transport type.
WEEK - Static variable in class jakarta.persistence.criteria.LocalDateField
The ISO-8601 week number.
WEEK - Static variable in class jakarta.persistence.criteria.LocalDateTimeField
The ISO-8601 week number.
when(C, Expression<? extends R>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder.SimpleCase
Add a when/then clause to the case expression.
when(C, R) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder.SimpleCase
Add a when/then clause to the case expression.
when(Expression<? extends C>, Expression<? extends R>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder.SimpleCase
Add a when/then clause to the case expression.
when(Expression<? extends C>, R) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder.SimpleCase
Add a when/then clause to the case expression.
when(Expression<Boolean>, Expression<? extends R>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder.Case
Add a when/then clause to the case expression.
when(Expression<Boolean>, R) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder.Case
Add a when/then clause to the case expression.
where(Expression<Boolean>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.AbstractQuery
Modify the query to restrict the query results according to the specified boolean expression.
where(Expression<Boolean>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaDelete
Modify the DELETE query to restrict the target of the deletion according to the specified boolean expression.
where(Expression<Boolean>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaQuery
Modify the query to restrict the query result according to the specified boolean expression.
where(Expression<Boolean>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaUpdate
Modify the update query to restrict the target of the update according to the specified boolean expression.
where(Expression<Boolean>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.Subquery
Modify the subquery to restrict the result according to the specified boolean expression.
where(Predicate...) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.AbstractQuery
Modify the query to restrict the query results according to the conjunction of the specified restriction predicates.
where(Predicate...) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaDelete
Modify the DELETE query to restrict the target of the deletion according to the conjunction of the specified restriction predicates.
where(Predicate...) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaQuery
Modify the query to restrict the query result according to the conjunction of the specified restriction predicates.
where(Predicate...) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaUpdate
Modify the update query to restrict the target of the update according to the conjunction of the specified restriction predicates.
where(Predicate...) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.Subquery
Modify the subquery to restrict the result according to the conjunction of the specified restriction predicates.
where(List<Predicate>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.AbstractQuery
Modify the query to restrict the query result according to the conjunction of the specified restriction predicates.
where(List<Predicate>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaQuery
Modify the query to restrict the query result according to the conjunction of the specified restriction predicates.
where(List<Predicate>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.Subquery
Modify the query to restrict the query result according to the conjunction of the specified restriction predicates.
width - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlDataTable.PropertyKeys
width - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlGraphicImage.PropertyKeys
width - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlPanelGrid.PropertyKeys
WILDCARD - Static variable in class
A String constant representing wildcard "*/*" media type .
WILDCARD_TYPE - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.enterprise.lang.model.types.Type.Kind
A wildcard type, e.g.
WILDCARD_TYPE - Static variable in class
A MediaType constant representing wildcard "*/*" media type.
Wildcard characters - Search tag in module
WildcardType - Interface in jakarta.enterprise.lang.model.types
A wildcard type.
wildcardUnbounded() - Method in interface
Returns a WildcardType that represents an equivalent of ?.
wildcardWithLowerBound(Type) - Method in interface
Returns a WildcardType that represents an equivalent of ? super lowerBound.
wildcardWithUpperBound(Type) - Method in interface
Returns a WildcardType that represents an equivalent of ? extends upperBound.
willDecode(String) - Method in interface jakarta.websocket.Decoder.Text
Answer whether the given String can be decoded into an object of type T.
willDecode(ByteBuffer) - Method in interface jakarta.websocket.Decoder.Binary
Answer whether the given bytes can be decoded into an object of type T.
with(String, Object) - Method in class com.sun.faces.util.ScopedRunner
Adds the given variable to this instance.
withAdapters(JsonbAdapter...) - Method in class jakarta.json.bind.JsonbConfig
Property used to specify custom mapping adapters.
withAnnotations() - Element in annotation interface
Narrows down the set of expected types, defined by types and withSubtypes, to types that use any of given annotations.
WithAnnotations - Annotation Interface in jakarta.enterprise.inject.spi
WithAnnotations may be applied to any portable extension observer method with an event parameter type of ProcessAnnotatedType to filter the events delivered.
withArgumentLookup(int) - Method in interface jakarta.enterprise.invoke.InvokerBuilder
Enables lookup of the argument on given position.
withBinaryDataStrategy(String) - Method in class jakarta.json.bind.JsonbConfig
Property used to specify custom binary data strategy.
withCharset(String) - Method in class
Create a new MediaType instance with the same type, subtype and parameters copied from the original instance and the supplied "charset" parameter.
withConfig(JsonbConfig) - Method in interface jakarta.json.bind.JsonbBuilder
Set configuration which will be set to the newly created Jsonb instance.
withConfig(Configuration) - Method in class
Set the internal configuration state to an externally provided configuration state.
withContextCapture(CompletableFuture<T>) - Method in interface jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.ContextService
Returns a new CompletableFuture that is completed by the completion of the specified stage.
withContextCapture(CompletionStage<T>) - Method in interface jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.ContextService
Returns a new CompletionStage that is completed by the completion of the specified stage.
withCreatorParametersRequired(boolean) - Method in class jakarta.json.bind.JsonbConfig
Property used to specify whether all creator parameters should be treated as required.
withDateFormat(String, Locale) - Method in class jakarta.json.bind.JsonbConfig
Property used to specify custom date format.
withDeserializers(JsonbDeserializer...) - Method in class jakarta.json.bind.JsonbConfig
Property used to specify custom deserializers.
withEncoding(String) - Method in class jakarta.json.bind.JsonbConfig
The binding operations will default to this property for encoding of JSON data.
withFileName(String) - Static method in interface
Creates a new EntityPart.Builder instance that sets the part name and fileName to the passed in partAndFileName value.
withFormatting(Boolean) - Method in class jakarta.json.bind.JsonbConfig
Property used to specify whether or not the serialized JSON data is formatted with linefeeds and indentation.
withInstanceLookup() - Method in interface jakarta.enterprise.invoke.InvokerBuilder
Enables lookup of the target bean instance.
withLocale(Locale) - Method in class jakarta.json.bind.JsonbConfig
Property used to specify custom locale.
withName(String) - Static method in interface
Creates a new EntityPart.Builder instance.
withNullValues(Boolean) - Method in class jakarta.json.bind.JsonbConfig
Property used to specify whether null values should be serialized to JSON document or skipped.
withoutTotal() - Method in interface
Returns an otherwise-equivalent page request with PageRequest.requestTotal() set to false, so that totals will not be retrieved from the database.
withParam(String, boolean) - Method in interface
Adds a boolean-valued parameter to the parameter map.
withParam(String, boolean) - Method in interface
Adds a boolean-valued parameter to the parameter map.
withParam(String, boolean[]) - Method in interface
Adds a boolean array-valued parameter to the parameter map.
withParam(String, boolean[]) - Method in interface
Adds a boolean array-valued parameter to the parameter map.
withParam(String, double) - Method in interface
Adds a double-valued parameter to the parameter map.
withParam(String, double) - Method in interface
Adds a double-valued parameter to the parameter map.
withParam(String, double[]) - Method in interface
Adds a double array-valued parameter to the parameter map.
withParam(String, double[]) - Method in interface
Adds a double array-valued parameter to the parameter map.
withParam(String, int) - Method in interface
Adds an int-valued parameter to the parameter map.
withParam(String, int) - Method in interface
Adds an int-valued parameter to the parameter map.
withParam(String, int[]) - Method in interface
Adds an int array-valued parameter to the parameter map.
withParam(String, int[]) - Method in interface
Adds an int array-valued parameter to the parameter map.
withParam(String, long) - Method in interface
Adds a long-valued parameter to the parameter map.
withParam(String, long) - Method in interface
Adds a long-valued parameter to the parameter map.
withParam(String, long[]) - Method in interface
Adds a long array-valued parameter to the parameter map.
withParam(String, long[]) - Method in interface
Adds a long array-valued parameter to the parameter map.
withParam(String, InvokerInfo) - Method in interface
Adds an invoker-valued parameter to the parameter map.
withParam(String, InvokerInfo) - Method in interface
Adds an invoker-valued parameter to the parameter map.
withParam(String, InvokerInfo[]) - Method in interface
Adds an invoker array-valued parameter to the parameter map.
withParam(String, InvokerInfo[]) - Method in interface
Adds an invoker array-valued parameter to the parameter map.
withParam(String, AnnotationInfo) - Method in interface
Adds an annotation-valued parameter to the parameter map.
withParam(String, AnnotationInfo) - Method in interface
Adds an annotation-valued parameter to the parameter map.
withParam(String, AnnotationInfo[]) - Method in interface
Adds an annotation array-valued parameter to the parameter map.
withParam(String, AnnotationInfo[]) - Method in interface
Adds an annotation array-valued parameter to the parameter map.
withParam(String, ClassInfo) - Method in interface
Adds a Class-valued parameter to the parameter map.
withParam(String, ClassInfo) - Method in interface
Adds a Class-valued parameter to the parameter map.
withParam(String, ClassInfo[]) - Method in interface
Adds a Class array-valued parameter to the parameter map.
withParam(String, ClassInfo[]) - Method in interface
Adds a Class array-valued parameter to the parameter map.
withParam(String, Annotation) - Method in interface
Adds an annotation-valued parameter to the parameter map.
withParam(String, Annotation) - Method in interface
Adds an annotation-valued parameter to the parameter map.
withParam(String, Annotation[]) - Method in interface
Adds an annotation array-valued parameter to the parameter map.
withParam(String, Annotation[]) - Method in interface
Adds an annotation array-valued parameter to the parameter map.
withParam(String, Class<?>) - Method in interface
Adds a Class-valued parameter to the parameter map.
withParam(String, Class<?>) - Method in interface
Adds a Class-valued parameter to the parameter map.
withParam(String, Class<?>[]) - Method in interface
Adds a Class array-valued parameter to the parameter map.
withParam(String, Class<?>[]) - Method in interface
Adds a Class array-valued parameter to the parameter map.
withParam(String, Enum<?>) - Method in interface
Adds an enum-valued parameter to the parameter map.
withParam(String, Enum<?>) - Method in interface
Adds an enum-valued parameter to the parameter map.
withParam(String, Enum<?>[]) - Method in interface
Adds an enum array-valued parameter to the parameter map.
withParam(String, Enum<?>[]) - Method in interface
Adds an enum array-valued parameter to the parameter map.
withParam(String, String) - Method in interface
Adds a String-valued parameter to the parameter map.
withParam(String, String) - Method in interface
Adds a String-valued parameter to the parameter map.
withParam(String, String[]) - Method in interface
Adds a String array-valued parameter to the parameter map.
withParam(String, String[]) - Method in interface
Adds a String array-valued parameter to the parameter map.
withParams() - Static method in class
Creates a new instance of AuthenticationParameters, useful for a fluent/builder style creation of parameters.
withPropertyNamingStrategy(PropertyNamingStrategy) - Method in class jakarta.json.bind.JsonbConfig
Property used to specify custom naming strategy.
withPropertyNamingStrategy(String) - Method in class jakarta.json.bind.JsonbConfig
Property used to specify custom naming strategy.
withPropertyOrderStrategy(String) - Method in class jakarta.json.bind.JsonbConfig
Property used to specify property order strategy.
withPropertyVisibilityStrategy(PropertyVisibilityStrategy) - Method in class jakarta.json.bind.JsonbConfig
Property used to specify custom property visibility strategy.
withProvider(JsonProvider) - Method in interface jakarta.json.bind.JsonbBuilder
Provides a JSON-P provider to be used for all JSON-P related operations.
withRequest(HttpServletRequest) - Method in interface
Sets the request object.
withRequest(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class
withSerializers(JsonbSerializer...) - Method in class jakarta.json.bind.JsonbConfig
Property used to specify custom serializers.
withStrictIJSON(Boolean) - Method in class jakarta.json.bind.JsonbConfig
Property used to specify whether strict I-JSON serialization compliance should be enforced.
withSubtypes() - Element in annotation interface
If true, the set of expected types includes all direct and indirect subtypes of given types.
withTotal() - Method in interface
Returns an otherwise-equivalent page request with PageRequest.requestTotal() set to false, so that totals will be retrieved from the database.
Work - Interface in
This models a Work instance that would be executed by a WorkManager upon submission.
WORK_ACCEPTED - Static variable in class
Indicates Work instance has been accepted.
WORK_COMPLETED - Static variable in class
Indicates Work instance has completed execution.
WORK_REJECTED - Static variable in class
Indicates Work instance has been rejected.
WORK_STARTED - Static variable in class
Indicates Work instance has started execution.
workAccepted(WorkEvent) - Method in class
Invoked when a Work instance has been accepted.
workAccepted(WorkEvent) - Method in interface
Invoked when a Work instance has been accepted.
WorkAdapter - Class in
This class is provided as a convenience for easily creating WorkListener instances by extending this class and overriding only those methods of interest.
WorkAdapter() - Constructor for class
workCompleted(WorkEvent) - Method in class
Invoked when a Work instance has completed execution.
workCompleted(WorkEvent) - Method in interface
Invoked when a Work instance has completed execution.
WorkCompletedException - Exception Class in
This exception is thrown by a WorkManager to indicate that a submitted Work instance has completed with an exception.
WorkCompletedException() - Constructor for exception class
Constructs a new instance with null as its detail message.
WorkCompletedException(String) - Constructor for exception class
Constructs a new instance with the specified detail message.
WorkCompletedException(String, String) - Constructor for exception class
Constructs a new throwable with the specified detail message and an error code.
WorkCompletedException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class
Constructs a new throwable with the specified detail message and cause.
WorkCompletedException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class
Constructs a new throwable with the specified cause.
WorkContext - Interface in
This class serves as a standard mechanism for a resource adapter to propagate an imported context from an enterprise information system to an application server.
WorkContextErrorCodes - Class in
This class models the possible error conditions that might occur during associating an WorkContext with a Work instance.
WorkContextErrorCodes() - Constructor for class
WorkContextLifecycleListener - Interface in
This class models the various events that occur during the processing of the WorkContexts associated with a Work instance.
WorkContextProvider - Interface in
This interface specifies the methods a Work instance uses to associate a List of WorkContext instances to be set when the Work instance gets executed by a WorkManager.
WorkEvent - Class in
This class models the various events that occur during the processing of a Work instance.
WorkEvent(Object, int, Work, WorkException) - Constructor for class
WorkEvent(Object, int, Work, WorkException, long) - Constructor for class
WorkException - Exception Class in
A common base class for all Work processing related exceptions.
WorkException() - Constructor for exception class
Constructs a new instance with null as its detail message.
WorkException(String) - Constructor for exception class
Constructs a new instance with the specified detail message.
WorkException(String, String) - Constructor for exception class
Constructs a new throwable with the specified detail message and an error code.
WorkException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class
Constructs a new throwable with the specified detail message and cause.
WorkException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class
Constructs a new throwable with the specified cause.
WorkListener - Interface in
This models a WorkListener instance which would be notified by the WorkManager when the various Work processing events (work accepted, work rejected, work started, work completed) occur.
WorkManager - Interface in
This interface models a WorkManager which provides a facility to submit Work instances for execution.
workRejected(WorkEvent) - Method in class
Invoked when a Work instance has been rejected.
workRejected(WorkEvent) - Method in interface
Invoked when a Work instance has been rejected.
WorkRejectedException - Exception Class in
This exception is thrown by a WorkManager to indicate that a submitted Work instance has been rejected.
WorkRejectedException() - Constructor for exception class
Constructs a new instance with null as its detail message.
WorkRejectedException(String) - Constructor for exception class
Constructs a new instance with the specified detail message.
WorkRejectedException(String, String) - Constructor for exception class
Constructs a new throwable with the specified detail message and an error code.
WorkRejectedException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class
Constructs a new throwable with the specified detail message and cause.
WorkRejectedException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class
Constructs a new throwable with the specified cause.
workStarted(WorkEvent) - Method in class
Invoked when a Work instance has started execution.
workStarted(WorkEvent) - Method in interface
Invoked when a Work instance has started execution.
wrapExpressionFactory(ExpressionFactory) - Method in class com.sun.faces.util.ELAwareBeanManagerWrapper
wrapExpressionFactory(ExpressionFactory) - Method in interface jakarta.enterprise.inject.spi.BeanManager
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
use ELAwareBeanManager, this method will be removed in CDI 5.0
wrapExpressionFactory(ExpressionFactory) - Method in interface jakarta.enterprise.inject.spi.el.ELAwareBeanManager
Returns a wrapper ExpressionFactory that delegates MethodExpression and ValueExpression creation to the given ExpressionFactory.
WRAPPED - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.jws.soap.SOAPBinding.ParameterStyle
wrappedAnnotationProvider - Variable in class com.sun.faces.spi.AnnotationProvider
The wrapped annotation provider.
write(boolean) - Method in interface
Writes a JSON true or false value within the current array, field or root context.
write(byte[]) - Method in interface jakarta.mail.util.LineOutputStream
Writes b.length bytes to this output stream.
write(char[]) - Method in class com.sun.faces.application.view.FaceletViewHandlingStrategy.NullWriter
write(char[]) - Method in class com.sun.faces.facelets.util.FastWriter
write(char[]) - Method in class com.sun.faces.renderkit.ClientSideStateHelper.StringBuilderWriter
write(char[]) - Method in class com.sun.faces.renderkit.html_basic.HtmlResponseWriter
write(char[], int, int) - Method in class com.sun.faces.application.view.FaceletViewHandlingStrategy.NullWriter
write(char[], int, int) - Method in class com.sun.faces.facelets.util.FastWriter
write(char[], int, int) - Method in class
Write a portion of an array of characters.
write(char[], int, int) - Method in class com.sun.faces.renderkit.ClientSideStateHelper.StringBuilderWriter
write(char[], int, int) - Method in class com.sun.faces.renderkit.html_basic.HtmlResponseWriter
write(char[], int, int) - Method in class jakarta.faces.context.ResponseWriterWrapper
The default behavior of this method is to call Writer.write(char[], int, int) on the wrapped ResponseWriter object.
write(double) - Method in interface
Writes the specified value as a JSON number value within the current array, field or root context.
write(int) - Method in class com.sun.faces.application.view.FaceletViewHandlingStrategy.NullWriter
write(int) - Method in class com.sun.faces.facelets.util.FastWriter
write(int) - Method in class com.sun.faces.renderkit.ClientSideStateHelper.StringBuilderWriter
write(int) - Method in class com.sun.faces.renderkit.html_basic.HtmlResponseWriter
write(int) - Method in interface
Writes the specified value as a JSON number value within the current array, field or root context.
write(long) - Method in interface
Writes the specified value as a JSON number value within the current array, field or root context.
write(FacesContext) - Method in class com.sun.faces.facelets.compiler.XMLInstruction
write(JsonStructure) - Method in interface jakarta.json.JsonWriter
Writes the specified JSON object or array to the output source.
write(JsonValue) - Method in interface jakarta.json.JsonWriter
Writes the specified JsonValue to the output source.
write(JsonValue) - Method in interface
Writes the specified value as a JSON value within the current array, field or root context.
write(OutputStream) - Method in interface jakarta.resource.cci.Streamable
Write fields of a Streamable object to an OutputStream
write(OutputStream) - Method in interface
Called to write the message body.
write(Writer, ELContext) - Method in class com.sun.faces.facelets.el.ELText
Allow this instance to write to the passed Writer, given the ELContext state
write(String) - Method in class com.sun.faces.application.view.FaceletViewHandlingStrategy.NullWriter
write(String) - Method in class com.sun.faces.facelets.util.FastWriter
write(String) - Method in class
Write a string.
write(String) - Method in class com.sun.faces.renderkit.ClientSideStateHelper.StringBuilderWriter
write(String) - Method in class com.sun.faces.renderkit.html_basic.HtmlResponseWriter
write(String) - Method in interface
Writes the specified value as a JSON string value within the current array, field or root context.
write(String) - Method in interface jakarta.servlet.http.Part
A convenience method to write this uploaded item to disk.
write(String, boolean) - Method in interface
Writes a JSON name/boolean value pair in the current object context.
write(String, double) - Method in interface
Writes a JSON name/number value pair in the current object context.
write(String, int) - Method in interface
Writes a JSON name/number value pair in the current object context.
write(String, int, int) - Method in class com.sun.faces.application.view.FaceletViewHandlingStrategy.NullWriter
write(String, int, int) - Method in class com.sun.faces.facelets.util.FastWriter
write(String, int, int) - Method in class
Write a portion of a string.
write(String, int, int) - Method in class com.sun.faces.renderkit.ClientSideStateHelper.StringBuilderWriter
write(String, int, int) - Method in class com.sun.faces.renderkit.html_basic.HtmlResponseWriter
write(String, long) - Method in interface
Writes a JSON name/number value pair in the current object context.
write(String, JsonValue) - Method in interface
Writes a JSON name/value pair in the current object context.
write(String, String) - Method in interface
Writes a JSON name/string value pair in the current object context.
write(String, BigDecimal) - Method in interface
Writes a JSON name/number value pair in the current object context.
write(String, BigInteger) - Method in interface
Writes a JSON name/number value pair in the current object context.
write(BigDecimal) - Method in interface
Writes the specified value as a JSON number value within the current array, field or root context.
write(BigInteger) - Method in interface
Writes the specified value as a JSON number value within the current array, field or root context.
write(ByteBuffer) - Method in class jakarta.servlet.ServletOutputStream
Writes from the given buffer to the output stream.
WRITE - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.ejb.LockType
For exclusive access to the bean instance.
WRITE - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.persistence.LockModeType
WRITE_COUNT - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.batch.runtime.Metric.MetricType
WRITE_SKIP_COUNT - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.batch.runtime.Metric.MetricType
WRITE_XML_DECLARATION - Static variable in class jakarta.xml.soap.SOAPMessage
Specifies whether the SOAP Message will contain an XML declaration when it is sent.
writeArray(JsonArray) - Method in interface jakarta.json.JsonWriter
Writes the specified JSON array to the output source.
writeAttribute(Writer, boolean, boolean, char[], char[], int, int, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class com.sun.faces.util.HtmlUtils
Write a character array attribute.
writeAttribute(Writer, boolean, boolean, char[], String, char[], boolean, boolean) - Static method in class com.sun.faces.util.HtmlUtils
Write a string attribute.
writeAttribute(String, Object, String) - Method in class com.sun.faces.renderkit.html_basic.HtmlResponseWriter
Write a properly escaped attribute name and the corresponding value.
writeAttribute(String, Object, String) - Method in class jakarta.faces.context.ResponseWriter
Write an attribute name and corresponding value, after converting that text to a String (if necessary), and after performing any escaping appropriate for the markup language being rendered.
writeAttribute(String, Object, String) - Method in class jakarta.faces.context.ResponseWriterWrapper
The default behavior of this method is to call ResponseWriter.writeAttribute(String, Object, String) on the wrapped ResponseWriter object.
writeBoolean(boolean) - Method in interface jakarta.jms.BytesMessage
Writes a boolean to the bytes message stream as a 1-byte value.
writeBoolean(boolean) - Method in interface jakarta.jms.StreamMessage
Writes a boolean to the stream message.
writeByte(byte) - Method in interface jakarta.jms.BytesMessage
Writes a byte to the bytes message stream as a 1-byte value.
writeByte(byte) - Method in interface jakarta.jms.StreamMessage
Writes a byte to the stream message.
writeBytes(byte[]) - Method in interface jakarta.jms.BytesMessage
Writes a byte array to the bytes message stream.
writeBytes(byte[]) - Method in interface jakarta.jms.StreamMessage
Writes a byte array field to the stream message.
writeBytes(byte[], int, int) - Method in interface jakarta.jms.BytesMessage
Writes a portion of a byte array to the bytes message stream.
writeBytes(byte[], int, int) - Method in interface jakarta.jms.StreamMessage
Writes a portion of a byte array as a byte array field to the stream message.
writeChar(char) - Method in interface jakarta.jms.BytesMessage
Writes a char to the bytes message stream as a 2-byte value, high byte first.
writeChar(char) - Method in interface jakarta.jms.StreamMessage
Writes a char to the stream message.
writeClientWindowField(FacesContext, ResponseWriter) - Method in class com.sun.faces.renderkit.StateHelper
Write the client window state field.
writeComment(Object) - Method in class com.sun.faces.renderkit.html_basic.HtmlResponseWriter
Write a comment string containing the specified text.
writeComment(Object) - Method in class jakarta.faces.context.ResponseWriter
Write a comment containing the specified text, after converting that text to a String (if necessary), and after performing any escaping appropriate for the markup language being rendered.
writeComment(Object) - Method in class jakarta.faces.context.ResponseWriterWrapper
The default behavior of this method is to call ResponseWriter.writeComment(Object) on the wrapped ResponseWriter object.
writeCommonLinkAttributes(ResponseWriter, UIComponent) - Method in class com.sun.faces.renderkit.html_basic.LinkRenderer
writeComponent(Writer, UIComponent) - Static method in class com.sun.faces.facelets.util.DevTools
writeDefaultSize(ResponseWriter, int) - Method in class com.sun.faces.renderkit.html_basic.ListboxRenderer
writeDefaultSize(ResponseWriter, int) - Method in class com.sun.faces.renderkit.html_basic.MenuRenderer
writeDoctype(String) - Method in class jakarta.faces.context.ResponseWriter
Write a string containing the markup specific doctype.
writeDoctype(String) - Method in class jakarta.faces.context.ResponseWriterWrapper
The default behavior of this method is to call ResponseWriter.writeDoctype(java.lang.String) on the wrapped ResponseWriter object.
writeDouble(double) - Method in interface jakarta.jms.BytesMessage
Converts the double argument to a long using the doubleToLongBits method in class Double, and then writes that long value to the bytes message stream as an 8-byte quantity, high byte first.
writeDouble(double) - Method in interface jakarta.jms.StreamMessage
Writes a double to the stream message.
writeEJBHome(EJBHome, ObjectOutputStream) - Method in interface jakarta.ejb.spi.HandleDelegate
Serialize the EJBHome reference corresponding to a HomeHandle.
writeEJBObject(EJBObject, ObjectOutputStream) - Method in interface jakarta.ejb.spi.HandleDelegate
Serialize the EJBObject reference corresponding to a Handle.
writeEnd() - Method in interface
Writes the end of the current context.
writeException(Writer, Throwable) - Static method in class com.sun.faces.facelets.util.DevTools
writeExternal(ObjectOutput) - Method in class com.sun.faces.application.resource.ResourceImpl
writeExternal(ObjectOutput) - Method in class com.sun.faces.facelets.el.DefaultFunctionMapper
writeExternal(ObjectOutput) - Method in class com.sun.faces.facelets.el.TagMethodExpression
writeExternal(ObjectOutput) - Method in class com.sun.faces.facelets.el.TagValueExpression
writeExternal(ObjectOutput) - Method in class com.sun.faces.facelets.tag.composite.CompositeComponentBeanInfo
writeExternal(ObjectOutput) - Method in class jakarta.activation.MimeType
The object implements the writeExternal method to save its contents by calling the methods of DataOutput for its primitive values or calling the writeObject method of ObjectOutput for objects, strings and arrays.
writeFloat(float) - Method in interface jakarta.jms.BytesMessage
Converts the float argument to an int using the floatToIntBits method in class Float, and then writes that int value to the bytes message stream as a 4-byte quantity, high byte first.
writeFloat(float) - Method in interface jakarta.jms.StreamMessage
Writes a float to the stream message.
writeIdAndNameAttributes(FacesContext, ResponseWriter, UIComponent) - Method in class com.sun.faces.renderkit.html_basic.OutcomeTargetLinkRenderer
writeIdAttributeIfNecessary(FacesContext, ResponseWriter, UIComponent) - Method in class com.sun.faces.renderkit.html_basic.HtmlBasicRenderer
writeInt(int) - Method in interface jakarta.jms.BytesMessage
Writes an int to the bytes message stream as four bytes, high byte first.
writeInt(int) - Method in interface jakarta.jms.StreamMessage
Writes an int to the stream message.
writeItems(List<Object>) - Method in class jakarta.batch.api.chunk.AbstractItemWriter
Implement write logic for the ItemWriter in this method.
writeItems(List<Object>) - Method in interface jakarta.batch.api.chunk.ItemWriter
The writeItems method writes a list of item for the current chunk.
writeKey(String) - Method in interface
Writes the JSON name with a colon.
WriteListener - Interface in jakarta.servlet
Callback notification mechanism that signals to the developer it's possible to write content without blocking.
writeln() - Method in interface jakarta.mail.util.LineOutputStream
Writes a new line (CRLF).
writeln(String) - Method in interface jakarta.mail.util.LineOutputStream
Writes the input string and a new line (CRLF).
writeLong(long) - Method in interface jakarta.jms.BytesMessage
Writes a long to the bytes message stream as eight bytes, high byte first.
writeLong(long) - Method in interface jakarta.jms.StreamMessage
Writes a long to the stream message.
writeMessage(Writer, Throwable) - Static method in class com.sun.faces.facelets.util.DevTools
writeNull() - Method in interface
Writes a JSON null value within the current array, field or root context.
writeNull(String) - Method in interface
Writes a JSON name/null value pair in an current object context.
writeObject(JsonObject) - Method in interface jakarta.json.JsonWriter
Writes the specified JSON object to the output source.
writeObject(Object) - Method in interface jakarta.jms.BytesMessage
Writes an object to the bytes message stream.
writeObject(Object) - Method in interface jakarta.jms.StreamMessage
Writes an object to the stream message.
writeOut(Writer) - Method in class jakarta.servlet.jsp.tagext.BodyContent
Write the contents of this BodyContent into a Writer.
writePreamble(String) - Method in class jakarta.faces.context.ResponseWriter
Write a string containing the markup specific preamble.
writePreamble(String) - Method in class jakarta.faces.context.ResponseWriterWrapper
The default behavior of this method is to call ResponseWriter.writePreamble(java.lang.String) on the wrapped ResponseWriter object.
writeRenderKitIdField(FacesContext, ResponseWriter) - Method in class com.sun.faces.renderkit.StateHelper
If a custom RenderKit is used, write out the ID of the RenderKit out as a hidden field.
WriterInterceptor - Interface in
WriterInterceptorContext - Interface in
writeShort(short) - Method in interface jakarta.jms.BytesMessage
Writes a short to the bytes message stream as two bytes, high byte first.
writeShort(short) - Method in interface jakarta.jms.StreamMessage
Writes a short to the stream message.
writeStartArray() - Method in interface
Writes the JSON start array character.
writeStartArray(String) - Method in interface
Writes the JSON name/start array character pair with in the current object context.
writeStartObject() - Method in interface
Writes the JSON start object character.
writeStartObject(String) - Method in interface
Writes the JSON name/start object character pair in the current object context.
writeState(FacesContext) - Method in class com.sun.faces.application.view.MultiViewHandler
This code is currently common to all ViewHandlingStrategy instances.
writeState(FacesContext) - Method in class jakarta.faces.application.ViewHandler
Take any appropriate action to either immediately write out the current state information (by calling StateManager.writeState(jakarta.faces.context.FacesContext, java.lang.Object), or noting where state information should later be written.
writeState(FacesContext) - Method in class jakarta.faces.application.ViewHandlerWrapper
The default behavior of this method is to call ViewHandler.writeState(jakarta.faces.context.FacesContext) on the wrapped ViewHandler object.
writeState(FacesContext, Object) - Method in class com.sun.faces.application.StateManagerImpl
Write out the state.
writeState(FacesContext, Object) - Method in class com.sun.faces.renderkit.ResponseStateManagerImpl
writeState(FacesContext, Object) - Method in class jakarta.faces.application.StateManager
Save the state represented in the specified state Object instance, in an implementation dependent manner.
writeState(FacesContext, Object) - Method in class jakarta.faces.application.StateManagerWrapper
The default behavior of this method is to call StateManager.writeState(jakarta.faces.context.FacesContext, java.lang.Object) on the wrapped StateManager object.
writeState(FacesContext, Object) - Method in class jakarta.faces.render.ResponseStateManager
Take the argument state and write it into the output using the current ResponseWriter, which must be correctly positioned already.
writeState(FacesContext, Object, StringBuilder) - Method in class com.sun.faces.renderkit.ClientSideStateHelper
Writes the view state as a String generated by Base64 encoding the Java Serialziation representation of the provided state
writeState(FacesContext, Object, StringBuilder) - Method in class com.sun.faces.renderkit.ServerSideStateHelper
Stores the provided state within the session obtained from the provided FacesContext
writeState(FacesContext, Object, StringBuilder) - Method in class com.sun.faces.renderkit.StateHelper
Functionally similar to ResponseStateManager#writeState(FacesContext, Object) with an option to write the state directly to the provided StringBuilder without sending any markup to the client.
WriteStateAtFormEnd - Enum constant in enum class com.sun.faces.config.WebConfiguration.BooleanWebContextInitParameter
writeString(String) - Method in interface jakarta.jms.StreamMessage
Writes a String to the stream message.
writeText(char) - Method in class com.sun.faces.renderkit.html_basic.HtmlResponseWriter
Write a properly escaped single character, If there is an open element that has been created by a call to startElement(), that element will be closed first.
writeText(char[]) - Method in class com.sun.faces.renderkit.html_basic.HtmlResponseWriter
Write properly escaped text from a character array.
writeText(char[], int, int) - Method in class com.sun.faces.renderkit.html_basic.HtmlResponseWriter
Write properly escaped text from a character array.
writeText(char[], int, int) - Method in class jakarta.faces.context.ResponseWriter
Write text from a character array, after any performing any escaping appropriate for the markup language being rendered.
writeText(char[], int, int) - Method in class jakarta.faces.context.ResponseWriterWrapper
The default behavior of this method is to call ResponseWriter.writeText(char[], int, int) on the wrapped ResponseWriter object.
writeText(ResponseWriter, ELContext) - Method in class com.sun.faces.facelets.el.ELText
writeText(Writer, boolean, boolean, char[], char[], boolean) - Static method in class com.sun.faces.util.HtmlUtils
writeText(Writer, boolean, boolean, char[], char[], int, int, boolean) - Static method in class com.sun.faces.util.HtmlUtils
Write char array text.
writeText(Writer, boolean, boolean, char[], String, char[], boolean) - Static method in class com.sun.faces.util.HtmlUtils
Write String text.
writeText(Object, UIComponent, String) - Method in class jakarta.faces.context.ResponseWriter
Write an object, after converting it to a String (if necessary), and after performing any escaping appropriate for the markup language being rendered.
writeText(Object, UIComponent, String) - Method in class jakarta.faces.context.ResponseWriterWrapper
The default behavior of this method is to call ResponseWriter.writeText(Object, UIComponent, String) on the wrapped ResponseWriter object.
writeText(Object, String) - Method in class com.sun.faces.renderkit.html_basic.HtmlResponseWriter
Write a properly escaped object.
writeText(Object, String) - Method in class jakarta.faces.context.ResponseWriter
Write an object, after converting it to a String (if necessary), and after performing any escaping appropriate for the markup language being rendered.
writeText(Object, String) - Method in class jakarta.faces.context.ResponseWriterWrapper
The default behavior of this method is to call ResponseWriter.writeText(Object, String) on the wrapped ResponseWriter object.
writeTextForXML(Writer, String, char[]) - Static method in class com.sun.faces.util.HtmlUtils
writeTo(OutputStream) - Method in class jakarta.activation.DataHandler
Write the data to an OutputStream.
writeTo(OutputStream) - Method in class jakarta.mail.internet.MimeBodyPart
Output the body part as an RFC 822 format stream.
writeTo(OutputStream) - Method in class jakarta.mail.internet.MimeMessage
Output the message as an RFC 822 format stream.
writeTo(OutputStream) - Method in class jakarta.mail.internet.MimeMultipart
Iterates through all the parts and outputs each MIME part separated by a boundary.
writeTo(OutputStream) - Method in class jakarta.mail.internet.PreencodedMimeBodyPart
Output the body part as an RFC 822 format stream.
writeTo(OutputStream) - Method in class jakarta.mail.Multipart
Output an appropriately encoded bytestream to the given OutputStream.
writeTo(OutputStream) - Method in interface jakarta.mail.Part
Output a bytestream for this Part.
writeTo(OutputStream) - Method in class jakarta.xml.soap.SOAPMessage
Writes this SOAPMessage object to the given output stream.
writeTo(OutputStream, String[]) - Method in class jakarta.mail.internet.MimeMessage
Output the message as an RFC 822 format stream, without specified headers.
writeTo(Object, String, OutputStream) - Method in interface jakarta.activation.DataContentHandler
Convert the object to a byte stream of the specified MIME type and write it to the output stream.
writeTo(Result) - Method in class
write this EndpointReference to the specified infoset format
writeTo(Result) - Method in class
writeTo(T, Class<?>, Type, Annotation[], MediaType, MultivaluedMap<String, Object>, OutputStream) - Method in interface
Write a type to an HTTP message.
writeUnescapedTextForXML(Writer, String) - Static method in class com.sun.faces.util.HtmlUtils
writeURIAttribute(String, Object, String) - Method in class com.sun.faces.renderkit.html_basic.HtmlResponseWriter
Write a properly encoded URI attribute name and the corresponding value.
writeURIAttribute(String, Object, String) - Method in class jakarta.faces.context.ResponseWriter
Write a URI attribute name and corresponding value, after converting that text to a String (if necessary), and after performing any encoding or escaping appropriate to the markup language being rendered.
writeURIAttribute(String, Object, String) - Method in class jakarta.faces.context.ResponseWriterWrapper
The default behavior of this method is to call ResponseWriter.writeURIAttribute(String, Object, String) on the wrapped ResponseWriter object.
writeURL(Writer, char[], int, int, String) - Static method in class com.sun.faces.util.HtmlUtils
Writes a string into URL-encoded format out to a Writer.
writeURL(Writer, String, char[], String) - Static method in class com.sun.faces.util.HtmlUtils
Writes a string into URL-encoded format out to a Writer.
writeUTF(String) - Method in interface jakarta.jms.BytesMessage
Writes a string to the bytes message stream using UTF-8 encoding in a machine-independent manner.
writeValue(UIComponent, ResponseWriter) - Method in class com.sun.faces.renderkit.html_basic.LinkRenderer
writeValue(ResponseWriter, UIComponent) - Method in class com.sun.faces.renderkit.html_basic.OutcomeTargetLinkRenderer
writeVariables(Writer, FacesContext) - Static method in class com.sun.faces.facelets.util.DevTools
writeXmlDecl(InputStream, String, CompilationManager) - Static method in class com.sun.faces.facelets.compiler.SAXCompiler
WSDL_DESCRIPTION - Static variable in interface
Standard property: input source for WSDL document.
WSDL_INTERFACE - Static variable in interface
Standard property: name of wsdl interface (2.0) or port type (1.1).
WSDL_OPERATION - Static variable in interface
Standard property: name of WSDL operation.
WSDL_PORT - Static variable in class
Standard property: name of WSDL port.
WSDL_PORT - Static variable in interface
Standard property: name of WSDL port.
WSDL_SERVICE - Static variable in class
Standard property: name of WSDL service.
WSDL_SERVICE - Static variable in interface
Standard property: name of WSDL service.
wsdlDocumentLocation(String) - Method in class
Sets the wsdlDocumentLocation that will be referenced as wsa:Metadata/@wsdli:wsdlLocation.
wsdlLocation() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.jws.WebService
The location of a pre-defined WSDL describing the service.
wsdlLocation() - Element in annotation interface
The location of the WSDL document for the service (a URL).
wsdlLocation() - Element in annotation interface
Location of the WSDL description for the service.
wsdlLocation() - Element in annotation interface
A URL pointing to the WSDL document for the web service.
WWW_AUTHENTICATE - Static variable in interface
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _ 
All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form