Module jakarta.json
Package jakarta.json

Interface JsonPatch

public interface JsonPatch

This interface represents an immutable implementation of a JSON Patch as defined by RFC 6902.

A JsonPatch can be instantiated with Json.createPatch(JsonArray) by specifying the patch operations in a JSON Patch. Alternately, it can also be constructed with a JsonPatchBuilder.

The following illustrates both approaches.

1. Construct a JsonPatch with a JSON Patch.

   JsonArray contacts = ... // The target to be patched
   JsonArray patch = ...  ; // JSON Patch
   JsonPatch jsonpatch = Json.createPatch(patch);
   JsonArray result = jsonpatch.apply(contacts);
2. Construct a JsonPatch with JsonPatchBuilder.

   JsonPatchBuilder builder = Json.createPatchBuilder();
   JsonArray result = builder.add("/John/phones/office", "1234-567")
See Also: